Monday, August 27, 2007

Week 4: Go for Gold

The golden rule: "Do unto others what you want others do unto you"

When I was in my 4th and last year of high school, there were two girls who challenge my values. (I"ll name them A and B). As I see them on the outside girl A is one who dresses uncertain and do things uncommon like piercings anywhere she like, weird hairdo etc. She also love to hear weird underground music(???), in short she is a Gothic type of person. Girl B dresses neatly, her hygiene is very good, she have a great taste in fashion, in short she is the typical type of girl.

I always noticed and opposed everything Girl A does, her beliefs and personality, one time I intended her to fix his hairdo, she got mad. I don't much notice girl B because I believe that time that she was always doing the right thing.

Suddenly, our section were stroked by a shocking incident, One of my friend/classmate lost his cellphone in our homeroom during a recess. Days passed and all were doing anything they can just to recover that cellphone or at least know the person who did that crime. Unexpectedly rumors passed our classroom that they already know who was the person who did it, it is Girl B.
All our classmates already know except me, at first I don't believe it and still tried to defend her because it is not in the attitude as I believed. Until the moment that one of my teachers come into the scene, he tried to lure Girl B in order for her to tell the truth, and it was a success. I was in a deep shame when the one who I defended was the one who really did that sorrowful crime. My other classmates blame and criticize for my mistake, they said that I was so unfair with Girl A than of Girl B, hence Girl B was the one who have the real attitude problem.

From this experience I learned not to see a person with his/her appearance and not to notice and oppose anyone's personality, because at the end I suffered with the so called "karma" which I really hate and hard to accept.

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